Thursday, June 17, 2010

Finally here!

After two long, awful plane rides, we finally arrived in Johannesburg on Tuesday night. A word of advice: if you ever plan on coming to South Africa, stop over in a European city for a few days in between flights. Awful.
Once we arrived, we waited for our luggage, which apparently had gotten shipped to some kind of cargo warehouse. But everyone in the airport was super nice and our bag rolled around sooner than we expected. My dad’s cousin and her husband picked us up from the airport, and we headed back to their house. It was so cold! It’s like early spring without the snow here. Good thing we brought some pants…
Yesterday we spent the day hanging around the house under blankets. We watched the soccer games on TV and ate our first meal, which was incredibly delicious. Bafana Bafana played a game in Johannesburg last night, so we all dressed warmly and went to a giant fanpark. My dad says that it’s very interesting to see how the World Cup, and having the South African soccer team in it, has united the entire country. It’s quite fantastic. They lost, but the atmosphere was amazing anyway.
Today we’re going shopping for all kinds of soccer gear. Tonight Mexico and France are playing, so we’ll be watching that at home.
We’re having a fantastic time, and we’ll update again soon!
-Leila, Sara, and Yusuf

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