Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Indian Ocean and the Drakensberg Mountains

Hello! After our last update, we spent the evening with a lot of family who were here to welcome Adam and our mom. It was wonderful to see everyone all together and be together after the last 3 weeks.
On July 5th, we drove down the South Coast to Ramsgate beach. We spent the afternoon on the beach, and most of us took a dip in the “freezing” (17 degrees) winter waters of the Indian Ocean. We spent the evening with family, singing and playing music.
The following day, the family surprised us with a trip to the Drakensberg mountains, the biggest mountain range in South Africa. A convoy arrived in the afternoon, and we spent our time with each other, hiking (and of course eating); later in the evening, we all watched the Netherlands / Uruguay match (imagine 24 people crowded around a 21” T.V. ...) Before bed, we stargazed and saw the most amazing, clear sky of stars before heading off to sleep.
The next morning, a small group of us went for a long and beautiful hike through the mountains. The Drakensberg mountains are said to have some of the most spectacular views, and we definitely saw some of them during our walk. We arrived home in the early evening (we stopped along the way for an epic paintball battle), and headed to the fanpark for the Spain / Germany game. The park was packed and the atmosphere was fantastic. After the match, a DJ came on and we had yet another dance party on the beach.
We have another busy few days coming up. We’ll update this again as soon as we can!
-The Osmans

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